Personalized Offerings
All coaching and subconscious reprogramming offerings are designed to meet you wherever you are on your journey. I specialize in clearing blocks in your belief system that are preventing you from stepping deeper into your power and getting real results in your life. Each offering is created with the intention of guiding you toward more alignment, pleasure, and embodied magick.
1:1 Alchemy Session
Together we do deep mind-body reprogramming to release blocks and rewire neural pathways so that the deep inner work, power, and beauty that you’ve cultivated within yourself shows up in your beliefs, behaviors, and rituals.
Custom Spell or Audio
After a 90 min Alchemy Session, I will create a custom audio or spell that works directly on your subconscious mind, allowing you to reprogram limiting beliefs and behaviors at a deep level, leading to major shifts in your thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Sensual Shadow Magick
Sensual Shadow Magick is a group coaching program for beautiful humans who feel like they have elusive blocks and persistent issues that dampen their relationships, power, and confidence. Applications are now open.